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ISIB’s New Web Site isib.org.tr is Online!

Turkish HVAC-R Exporters Association (ISIB) has now its new web site design.

9 Şubat 2019

ISIB shaped the new web site taking into account the growing export potential, expanding market, increasing number of members and needs of the sector. İSİB aims to provide the necessary support for the new corporate website and its members to direct their export activities. The information about the activities to be carried out by İSİB in the upcoming period is easily accessible at isib.org.tr. In addition, export support, country reports, sectoral events, news and announcements are also on the website. A versatile search engine that will be used effectively in the product demands from abroad and which will give the contact details of the exporting companies when the product name is written will soon be operational in the English version of the site. With its user friendly design and mobile compatibility feature, the website is designed in accordance with the requirements of the era For further details, you can visit isib.org.tr